MEGADETH's DAVE MUSTAINE: 'I Experimented With Black Magic And Witchcraft'
September 2, 2005CanWest News Service recently conducted an interview with MEGADETH mainman Dave Mustaine. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow:
On his reputation as a "mean mutha":
"My reputation is totally different from my character. I've only got a couple of incidents in my career where I've had problems, but, because of my profile, it's been exaggerated to immense proportions."
On some of the younger bands on Gigantour being intimidated by him:
"I tried to talk with them, and, in the beginning weeks of the tour, it was a bit awkward. I said 'Guys, listen, we're all on the same team here, trying to make Gigantour a success. You're counting on me being the man of my reputation, but you're seeing that isn't true.' "
On developing the idea for Gigantour looking to counter the trend started by grunge rockers, and perpetuated by rap-metal bands, who were often less than stellar players:
"I do have a feeling about bands that cannot get it on. When I was a kid, I had guitar heroes: Jimmy Page, Michael Schenker, Angus Young. Hot players. You can't name one guitar player in any of the new bands that is a virtuoso."
On converting to Christianity and refusing to share the stage at a Greek festival with the black metal band ROTTING CHRIST:
"I've tried everything in my life. I was baptized Lutheran and brought up as a Jehovah's Witness. My mom was Jewish. I experimented with black magic and witchcraft and read the satanic bible. But I became a Christian about three years ago and that's a positive thing."